Mountain-Top University Journal of Applied Science and Technology

Issues and Articles

The Journal will be published bi-annually with a target of 30 articles per issue.

Aims and Scope

The aim of the Journal is to create a platform for the dissemination of scientific research findings to the public, for information and application to the frontier of knowledge.

The scope of the Journal extends across cutting-edge research in Science and Technology.


College Dean: Prof. A. I. Akinwande

Assistant Editors-In-Chief

Dr. M.O. Oyetunji

Dr. R.O. Akande

Dr. O. E. Fayemi

Dr. J.A. Adeoye

Dr. M.O. Adewole

Editorial Board Members

The reviewers would be given one month to review the paper

Instructions for Authors

The manuscript should be assembled in the following order: title page, key words, abstract, introduction, experimental part (including materials, methods and/or computational procedures and programs), results, discussion (including conclusions), list of symbols, acknowledgement (optional), references, tables, figures and figure captions, schemes, formulae. Results and discussion may be combined into a single section. Pages should be numbered consecutively from the beginning (title page) to the end (graphic abstract).

It is important that the title of the manuscript reflects concisely the purpose and results of the investigation in order to provide maximum information for a computerized title search. All non-functional words should be deleted from the title. The title should be followed by the authors’ first names, initials of middle names, last names, as well as the addresses including e-mail addresses of all the authors. The name of the author to whom inquiries should be directed may be marked with an asterisk.

For all types of manuscripts, about five key words, which best characterize the paper, should be given. For guidance, consult Chemical Abstracts General Subject Index. The key words form the basis of the annual Subject Index.

Every paper must be accompanied by an abstract (no heading, one paragraph only). The summary should clearly and briefly present the main object and results of the paper (100-200 words are usually adequate). The summary should be comprehensible without reading the paper. Abbreviations and reference citations should be avoided.

The introduction (no heading) should state briefly, with relevant references, the purpose of the investigation and its relation to other work in the appropriate field. All relevant citations should be included.

In the experimental section materials, methods and procedures should be described in this order, in sufficient detail to enable other scientists to repeat the experiments. The instruments used as well as measurement conditions and corresponding physical units should appear in a paragraph at the beginning of the Experimental section. Description of standard techniques applicable throughout the work should follow the paragraph on instrumentation.

Usually, the results are presented first, followed by a discussion of their significance. Only strictly relevant results should be given. The section may be further divided by subheadings. Equations, tables and figures should be used to shorten the text and make it readily understandable. Data should not be presented in duplicate.

The conclusion should reflect a summary of the main points of the research findings and should not be more than one paragraph.

If a number of symbols are used in the text and in equations, it is advisable to assemble the definitions and units of all symbols in a special section on a separate page of the manuscript.

Bibliographic references should be numbered alphabetically (Harvard System). The list of references should be typed double-spaced on a separate page. Here are some other useful guidelines concerning references.

International standards should be adopted as the guide to abbreviations of periodical titles. Such standards include the Chemical Abstracts Service Source Index (CASSI). The abbreviation is often found at the top of a journal page in the citation. When unsure of an abbreviated title, please spell it out in full.

If the author is unknown, list the reference by company, agency, or journal source.

Give all appropriate information: all authors’ last names, followed by first initials; book title, journal, or meeting name; meeting location and date; publisher and location; year of publication; volume and issue number; first page of the article; volume and chapter number; book series name; paper or report number. Indicate whether the reference is in a language other than English.

List references as “in press” only if they have been formally accepted for publication; give the author’s name and the title of the publication.

“Unpublished results” or “personal communication” is not appropriate in a list of cited literature and should appear in text with the first initial(s) and last name(s), followed by the source (e.g., “M. Jones and Y. Lee, unpublished observations”).

Here are examples:

Asekovic, P. O. (1982), Petroleum catalysts. Ind. Eng. Chem. 36(6), 627-635. (Author’s name and initials, Year of Publication, Title of Article, Journal Title, Volume and issue number, Page numbers)

Lionel, B. A. (2002), ADHD in children. Journal of Psychological Observation, [Online]. 4 (2), 122 – 123 Available from: [Accessed 1st January 2018]. (Author’s names and initials, Year of Publication, Title of Online Journal Article, Journal Title, [Online], Volume and Issue number, Page numbers)

Fagbe T. N. and Wande A. I. (2018), The Use of Scanning Electron Microscopy in Nutrition Macromolecular Chemistry. 2nd ed., Elsevier: New York. (Authors’ names, Year of Publication, Title of the Book, Edition number, Publisher and Location of Publisher)

Ehin E. E. (2017), ‘Ionospheric chemistry’ in Labi, E. A. (ed.) The Chemistry of the Ionosphere. New York: NY Publishers, pp. 32 – 85. (Author’s name and initials, Year of Publication, Title of Chapter followed by In: Editor’s name and initials, Title of Book, Place of Publication, Publisher, Page numbers).

Barbara B. B. (2016), Systematic review of computer architectural designs. In: Xi, H. (ed) Proceedings of the 5th international conference on computer network designs. New York, Monterey Press. pp 2 -4 (Author’s Surname and Initials, Year of Publication, Title of Paper, In: Editor’s Surname and initial, ed., Title of Conference Proceedings. Place of Publication. Publisher, Page numbers)

You are responsible for the accuracy of your references.

Careful preparation of the text and illustrations facilitate rapid publication. Margins of at least 3 cm should be all around each sheet. The text should be left justified but right unjustified. After a manuscript has been accepted for publication and after all revisions have been incorporated, the manuscript should be submitted to the Editorial Office via e-mail. It is important to observe the following guidelines:

Ensure that articles are submitted in Word (doc) format.

It is important how you display titles, heading, etc., as long as you do it in the same way throughout the manuscript.

Click Here to send a complete manuscript. In this case it is very important to send all figures and schemes as separate files. The author will receive a notification that all parts of the manuscript are readable or, if there are any problems, a request to send the manuscript by the ordinary mail.

Manuscript and all other correspondence can also be addressed to:

e-mail: [email protected]

Preparation of the Manuscript – Detailed Information

SI quantities, units and symbols should be used as much as is reasonably possible. A more detailed list of units and symbols with specific application to chemistry is given in the IUPAC Manual of Symbols and Terminology for Physicochemical Quantities and Units. Non-SI units must be explained unless their definition is obvious.

Abbreviations and acronyms should agree with international usage (such as Chemical Abstracts version). Apart from common abbreviations the authors are free to abbreviate frequently mentioned terms. However, such abbreviations should be explained, either when they first appear in the text, or in Symbols.

All nomenclature and terminology should be consistent, clear and unambiguous. It is the author’s responsibility to provide correct names and terms. The Index Guide of Chemical Abstracts should be consulted as an additional guideline.

Authors are requested to type all mathematical and chemical symbols, equations and formula. If these must be hand-written, please write clearly in ink (do not use a ball-point pen). All equations should be designated with Arabic numerals in parentheses. Distinction must be made between such ambiguous symbols as the letter l and the numeral one, the letter O and the numeral zero.

Structural formulae, including schemes, must be drawn on a separate sheet. The location where the formulae are to be printed should be marked in the typed manuscript. Formulae should be numbered with bold Arabic numerals (in parentheses if they follow the complete names of the compounds). It might be more comprehensible to describe the compounds by their functional class names (e.g., ketone 7) than by their formula numbers only. Formulae in plain text should be numbered consecutively.

The number of figures should be kept as small as possible. Colour figures can be printed provided that, in the specific judgement of the Editor, the colour is essential to convey scientific information. The charges will be given upon request. Figures must be numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals. Please indicate in the corner of each figure, in soft pencil, the number of the figure and the last name of the first author. Drawings must be in black ink on a smooth white paper. Good quality photocopies are also acceptable. The curves should be drawn in slightly heavier line than the axes. The lines should be thick enough and the symbols big enough to allow photographic reduction to printing size (5.5 cm base). Each figure must be accompanied by a short legend. Computer-plotted drawings must satisfy the same criteria.

Tabulation of experimental results is encouraged whenever leading to more effective presentation. However, duplication of information contained in tables and figures should be avoided. Tables should be included in the body of the text. Tables should be numbered consecutively with Roman numerals.

N10, 000 OR USD 50

Not more than 10 pages including Tables, figures and references, double column.

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